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Seven Advantages of Thermal Camera Monitoring

Seven Advantages of Thermal Camera Monitoring

Aug 9,2022
With the continuous development of the security industry, optoelectronic information, microelectronics, network communication, digital video, multimedia technology, and sensor technology are more integrated into the field of video surveillance. Among them, thermal imaging technology has been widely used in key security fields such as banks, airports, oil fields, prisons, military facilities, ports, waterways, and public security law enforcement by virtue of its advantages of all-weather and high sensitivity. Today, I will introduce the seven advantages of high-resolution thermal imager monitoring, mainly from seven aspects.

Ⅰ. Classification of high-resolution thermal imagers

When it comes to thermal imaging technology, it is necessary to improve the resolution of thermal imaging cameras, also called thermal imaging cameras. However, don't get confused. Thermal imagers are generally divided into two categories, one for temperature measurement and the other for security monitoring. The latter is also known as thermal cameras. Due to price and maturity constraints, high-resolution thermal imaging cameras have not developed rapidly.

Ⅱ. Advantages of high-resolution thermal imaging cameras

In recent years, with the continuous improvement of people's monitoring requirements, the monitoring requirements for all-weather and harsh environments are also increasing. Although there are many types of cameras on the market, infrared cameras, low-light cameras, strong light suppression cameras, wide dynamic cameras, etc., are all used to meet people's monitoring needs in low-light or even dark environments, but the monitoring effect is not ideal.

In this context, thermal imaging cameras are very popular, and they have won the favor of the market with their long-distance range, strong penetrating ability, and ability to identify hidden targets. So, what are the advantages of high-resolution thermal imaging cameras compared to technologies such as low illumination, laser lighting, and infrared lights? Let's analyze it:

1. Long distance

Generally, the imaging distance of infrared lamp products is less than 100 meters. High-resolution thermal imaging cameras image infrared radiation radiated by objects, independent of ambient and illumination light. Generally, a telephoto thermal imager can observe people more than 3 kilometers away and vehicles more than 6 kilometers away.

2. Strong concealment

Infrared thermal imager completely passively receives signals, does not actively transmit detection signals, and is not easily detected by anti-reconnaissance means.

3. Strong penetrating ability

Infrared thermal radiation has a stronger ability to penetrate fog, haze, rain, and snow than visible light, so the imaging effect of high-resolution thermal imagers is hardly affected in bad weather conditions. In particular, the long-wave infrared thermal imager acting on 8-14um has a stronger ability to penetrate fog.

4. Can work around the clock and resist strong light interference

High-resolution thermal imaging does not rely on illumination and ambient light but instead relies on radiation from the target and background to produce an image of the scene. As a result, thermal cameras can work 24 hours a day and are not exposed to visible light like other night vision devices.

5. Ability to identify hidden objects

Ordinary camouflage is based on anti-visible light observations. Crimes committed by criminals are usually hidden in grass and woods. Due to the harsh outdoor environment and human visual illusions, it is easy to make misjudgments. High-resolution thermal cameras can detect hidden thermal targets through camouflage and blades of grass. The temperature and infrared radiation of the human body and vehicle are generally much larger than those of vegetation, so it is not easy to camouflage and make mistakes.

6. Fire monitoring

Normal fires are caused by inconspicuously hidden fires. Using existing common methods, it is difficult to find such signs of hidden fires. Since a high-resolution infrared thermal imager is a device that reflects the surface temperature of an object, it uses an infrared thermal imager to find the fire point through smoke, so that it can be known, prevented, and extinguished as soon as possible.

7. Low power consumption and long life

Since laser lighting or infrared lamps require active lighting, the power consumption of the whole machine is relatively large. In some special power supply occasions, a low-power infrared thermal imaging system must be used. Since the heat dissipation problem of active systems such as infrared lamps is not easy to solve, the life of ordinary infrared lamps is only 1,000 hours, and the life of laser irradiation is about 10,000 hours, but the life of uncooled thermal imaging cameras can reach 45,000 hours.

The above briefly describes the seven advantages of high-resolution thermal imager monitoring. If you want to buy an infrared thermal imager, please contact us.

JAVOL is a professional custom thermal imaging camera manufacturer. Relying on the multi-spectral high-sensitivity photoelectric sensor chip of advanced compound semiconductor materials, with deep learning AI algorithm as the engine, integrating low-light night vision technology, infrared thermal imaging technology, short-wave infrared technology, and multi-spectral fusion technology, our company designs, develops and manufactures Advanced imaging products and system solutions are widely used in machine vision, autonomous driving, drone payloads, high-end manufacturing and medical diagnosis.